Welcome to Timeslice After you signup, you'll be taken through a few steps to get you connected to WorkflowMax and to invite your team in.  Once you've done that, you'll see the Timeslice Calendar 

From here, you can add a timesheet, use the timer,  create favourites and browse your own timesheets as well as those of your team.

If at any time you need any help, please get in touch


Syncing with WorkflowMax

Timeslice relies on jobs and tasks from WorkflowMax and without these, you can only save draft timesheets.  The first sync from WorkflowMax can take a few minutes - so be patient, its worth waiting for!

Timesheets entered in WorkflowMax won't be displayed in Timeslice by default, because in WorkflowMax they are usually entered without a start/end time - so they don't look great on the calendar.  We can enable a two-way sync of timesheets if you'd like - please ask us!

If you've signed up to Timeslice using a different email address to what you use in WorkflowMax, then you'll need to link your Timeslice user to your WorkflowMax user. Read more here